A Few Bits Of Advice Zach Sherwin Interview
Interviewing has never been my strong suit. going into this project I was hoping I had gotten better since Late Night with Maxwell in third grade. But was I hit with the realization that interviewing is tough. It's going to take time and effort to get better at it. Through my interview, I found a few things I need to focus on: 1. I need to conversate better. The lack of a solid back-and-forth really put a damper on the interview and made it seem much more awkward. 2. I need to plan out questions in a way that makes linear narrative sense. Asking questions out of order made editing much more clunky and forced me to cut answers I wouldn't have otherwise. 3. I need to work on quality over quantity I went to the interview with the mindset that I would get as much footage as possible and just pick out good parts so I asked so many questions and got 30 minutes worth of footage instead of giving me more good footage it gave me a whole lot of mediocre I needed to sift through. It prolonged editing and made the interview disjointed and ununified. 4. I need to loosen up during the interview. I was way too tense and it made the interview feel stiff and boring. Overall I enjoyed doing this interview but I still have a long ways to go before I'm good at it.