A Few Bits Of Advice Punchline Sketch
"Why", is such an open-ended prompt that admittedly threw me through a loop. While the actual "why" of my sketch is the premise "why can't I write a punchline", I think my overall "why" is why am I unable to be confident in my own work. Throughout this process, I felt as though what I was making wasn't good enough. I continually struggled to believe in my own comedic abilities. From the start that insecurity has been the theme of a few bits of advice and why I wanted to make it in the first place. To me, A Few bits of Advice is about me trying to reconcile my own feelings of doubt and standards. These feelings have been a huge problem, I feel they prevent me from creating more. I get stuck thinking something isn't funny or polished enough. It discourages me from doing more. I created the concept of A Few Bits Of Advice hoping that exploring this struggle through narrative and film allows me to gain more confidence in what I do. further allowing me to start trusting my creative instincts. In this project, those feelings of doubt plagued me. Although I know what I have made is funny and good, I can't help but worry that it isn't. I have no specific reason for these feelings and keep asking myself "why?". People who watch my videos enjoy them and find them consistently funny. But I never seem to be able to break away from this fear that it's all just one big fluke. Like I only stumbled into making a few good things and will never be able to replicate it. It sounds so stupid and I know it. But it's been present during this entire project as I was writing, filming, and editing, all I could think is "why don't I like this? why don't I find it funny? ". I think the only way I am going to be able to overcome this is to trust the thoughts and feedback of others. If it wasn't for everyone who watched the edit and read the script giving positive and constructive feedback I don't think I would have been able to make anything. the premise of the sketch is I'm unable to write a punchline and as always these sketches the version of me I'm playing is an exaggerated caricature of myself. So It's not that he can't write a punchline but this version of me has succumbed to these feelings and convinced himself he is unable to. Even in the end after he comes up with a joke all he can do is repeat it over and over never creating anything new. The reason I made this sketch is to tell myself what happens if I stop having confidence in my work. It tells me "This is why you have to keep Creating."